DirectAdmin pleased to announce the release of DirectAdmin 1.55.0.
This is a major release with many new features and many bugfixes.
The full list of changes can be found here:
Some of notable items:
- mail_sni=1 enabled by default for new installs
- Disable cron MAILTO by default for new accounts
- Maintain Cron order via zero padding 001, 002, etc.
- Default proftpd.conf ciphers update
- Current DirectAdmin version now in DNS, to save requests/loads
- SSH Keys including global keys for accounts below Resellers/Admins.
- Services Monitor backup PID method based on boot script instead of exact name match.
- Rename Package so it doesn’t copy (optional)
- named_service_override=bind9 in case you cannot use “named”.
- Domain Setup: Force SSL redirect
- LetsEncrypt: Allow 5 renewal failures before sending any failure notice
- Any debug mode ending in 7 includes date/time
- Pointers: optional redirect to www.domain.com or domain.com
- Pointers: can be “Local Mail” or remote mail
- JSON: can add httpd “X-Json: yes” header to ensure json output for errors before parsing
- JSON: incorrect newline encoding
- Tables: major search speed improvement
- DNS: ensure no zone write race condition
- Login Keys now enabled for Admins by default as they should have been
- Backup: create full path, instead of just single directory when append/has/multiple/dirs
- Pointers https redirect for nginx now redirect to https on main domain
- LetsEncrypt: basic locking for background requests
- Domain Rename: ensure all cust_httpd.## files are renamed
Source: DirectAdmin