CentOS is a Linux distribution that provides a free, enterprise-class, community-supported computing platform functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
The Vesta Control Panel is a free, open source control panel with website, email, database, and DNS functionalities. In this tutorial you will upgrade the control panel PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.3 on CentOS server.
The following resources are required to complete this tutorial:
- An CentOS 7 server
- A domain name pointer at your server. We will use throughout this tutorial.
- Two A records pointing and to your server.
Install EPEL repository on your server
CentOS 7
wget wget rpm -Uvh remi-release-7.rpm epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
CentOS 6
wget wget rpm -Uvh remi-release-6.rpm epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm
After you have installed repository you need to follow some extra configurations:
Run this command one by one for CentOS
yum install yum-utils yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73
Upgrade PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.3
Now just run this command:
yum update -y
You will see php packages are getting updated. After the update process you need to restart Apache server, php-fpm, nginx and check the PHP version from by below mentioned command:
php -v
PHP 7.3.8 (cli) (built: Jul 30 2019 09:26:16) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.8, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
In this tutorial you upgraded the VestaCP control panel PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.3.